Geonik's Amplitude Modulation

by George Nicolaidis


The Amplitude Modulation effect applies a sinusoidal or triangle shaped periodic attenuation to the input signal. The frequency of the attenuation waveform can be specified to create effects varying from a slow tremolo to unusual sound distortions.

What's new

Release 1 Initial release
Release 2 Faster, Triangle LFO, HighFreq attribute, Html documentation
Release 3 Much more optimized (80% speed increase), more LFOs, a bug removed (?)


P a r a m e t e r s

Frequency Frequency of the LFO. To achieve a slow tremolo, use a low frequency (Period = 1/Frequency). With faster frequencies, the amplitude modulation is audible not as a change in amplitude, but as additional frequency side bands.
Lfo Type Sine, Triangle, Pulse, Saw, Reversed Saw
Floor Volume Lowest volume after shaping the input. Smaller values make the effect more intense
Stereo Phase The phase difference between left and right channel. Between -Pi and Pi. This creates the effect of panning back and forth between the two channels

A t t r i b u t e s

High Frequency Lfo When set, the frequency parameter is given in steps of 1/10Hz and ranges from 0Hz to 6553.5Hz. By default the step is 1/1000Hz and thus the maximum frequency is 65.535Hz


No notes

Contact Information

Author George Nicolaidis